The restaurant sign said “Open Sunday through Saturday from 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM”. Is that different than “Open Daily from 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM”?
I’m watching a sunset and a jet’s contrail opens up the sky, leaving what appears to be a white scar. How revealing of that plane in terms of its effect on the atmosphere.
I was reminded that most of my emotional pain involving other human beings is a result of my not seeing the world/them as it is/they are. Instead I see what I believe it is/they are, should be, maybe even as it/they used to be. My perspective, point-of-view, expectation, ‘truth’ is at any given moment much smaller than the real thing or person. When I am forced to see the bigger picture, there is denial, pain, and resistance in letting go of my smaller world. The larger world is one that I can barely get my intellectual arms around. When it is a BIG one, I’m having an existential crisis. I have had more than a few of those. When I CHOOSE to see the bigger picture, (rather than being forced to by circumstances I didn’t ask for) it is fun, not painful at all. I don’t like being dragged to the premiere. There is a lesson in there somewhere for me.
I was reminded once again that I shouldn’t always believe what I think, ESPECIALLY if I am the one who composed the thought.
If you have ever witnessed a glorious sunrise, or spectacular sunset, wouldn’t you agree that we should honor them with a moment of silence as we might with other sacred moments?
I am looking at gussied up motorcycles and cars parked side by side in the parking lot. A “Shine and Glow” event if you will. I wonder if in the days of buggies and horses the same kind of thing happened. If so, what does that say about us humans. If not, what does that say about us humans?
I met a friend I hadn’t seen in 30 years. He told me I had said to him one time something that has helped him numerous times over the years. “It is the so little of me that makes so much of you.” He was speaking about those times when you might criticize me and it totally crushes me.
Like many of those moments that people recall my having said something meaningful to them, I had no recollection of ever saying that, or even having that thought. It seemed a pretty good one though. There are those who suggest that those kinds of things, those moments, pithy statements, etc., are representations of our unique genius. I’m sure you have had some of those moments. So, that makes you a certified genius. Little ones often blurt out wisdom that is stunning. That is their genius manifesting itself.
I wonder if birds see the rainbows they fly through.
The relationship between logic and emotions is sometimes truly amazing (and terrifying) to experience from the inside out. When a “big” emotional event occurs for me, all of my great logic is impervious to the literal pain in my heart and convulsive cramp in my stomach. Huge emotional events defy every form of logic.
I smile as I read from Denis Diderot, the French Philosopher who said, "Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest." It seems sad that I know exactly what he means.
I’ve decided that delight is a “moment of joy” in disguise. Joy visits me daily, most often it is missed because I am looking for the gold brick called joy. Thus, I miss joy’s gold nuggets scattered throughout my day.
I believe that all the parts of my (and your) self, as well as my behaviors and thoughts are well-intended allies of ours. They are not our enemies, though they appear to us (and sometimes others) to be exactly that.
When I use a word to describe a phenomenon, I eliminate all others that are different, and perhaps represent a more accurate description. Our brain tends to be lazy.
I was in a place in Panama that each morning birthed a fresh batch of rainbows. The moment I use the word “Rainbow”, I noticed I stopped looking at what it was before I named it. I practiced not naming them and here is what I saw. Each one is different. Each one is living, being born, maximizing, then fading, always in motion. Each one is in some constantly changing part of its life cycle.
How much I miss by “naming” things. When I don’t know the name of something, I spend a lot more time experiencing/exploring it. That is, to me, what is so much fun about watching children (or puppies) experience something for the first time.
Naming anything (or anyone) has its advantages, it also has its significant costs. I feel relieved that they or it has a name. Sadly, I too often stop seeing the whole and the uniqueness of it. I try to remember that when I see my grandchildren and other loved ones the “next” time.