A tax-exempt donor-advised fund
I am aware that my DNA represents a mixture of many elements of the world’s historical human experience. Coursing through my veins are indicators of my Viking relatives who vanquished the indigenous occupants of Ireland way back when.
There is also evidence of European ancestors who fled their countries because of persecution. Few of our ancestors came to this part of the world because things were going well at home. Once here, my ancestors replicated our Viking experience. What all this says to me is that my DNA includes both times where my people represented the oppressed, conquered, vanquished, victims of circumstances not of our own making as well as including moments of being victors, conquerors, and vanquishers.
I am aware that I am currently a member of the dominators. I’ve long been aware of and sensitive to that fact. My sense is that as a Caucasian male, I live an incredibly (mostly unearned relatively speaking) privileged life. These days it has become more and more apparent how true that is.
I can’t do anything about the “gift” I have been given. I do believe that the essence of my character is revealed by how I respond, act, and react to those who at this moment in time, are not among the privileged. Some of us in this privileged position gloat. They have done that to my face. I don’t. My friends don’t.
Tax-deductible donations can be also be made by mailing checks payable to:
The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee
3421 Belmont Blvd.
Nashville, TN 37215
Put"Chroi Fund" in Memo line

Over the years, I have made conscious efforts to reach out and support those not gifted by Maleness and Caucasian-ness. Over the last dozen or so years my efforts have been focused on friends of mine who live on the Pine Ridge Reservation (which, by the way, was first designated as a prisoner-of-war-camp installation #334) near the Black Hills of South Dakota.
I have been urged, by those who know more about how to help others than I do, to do something that might allow us to scale the efforts of my friends, loved ones, and myself have been making.
At long last, we have created a tax-exempt donor-advised-fund that we have named Chroi. Chroi is an Irish word that, loosely interpreted, means “Don’t Lose Heart”. When I came across that word, I immediately knew that in all my efforts, that was what I was trying to say to those on the reservation (many who are without hope) that I have grown to know and love.
If you are so inclined, please consider helping us. Better yet, come with me and I will show you what I love about that place and those people, who have given me far more than anything I have been able to do for them.
Thank you,
Donor-Advised Funds can only be distributed to legitimate Non-Profit Organizations, so any donations are tax-deductible.

Tax-deductible donations can be also be made by mailing checks payable to:
If you have questions or comments, please contact brenda@klontzconsulting.com.
The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee
3421 Belmont Blvd.
Nashville, TN 37215
Put "The Chroi Fund" in the Memo line of your check